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Kia ora from NZ

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Inl�ggPostat: tis okt 25, 2005 11:08 pm    Rubrik: Kia ora from NZ Svara med citat

Kia ora from New Zealand.
Wish I could speak German. Did a course a few years ago when I had a German girlfriend but she ended up going back to Germany so I never got any practice!!
Good luck with the website. Good to see so many ukers in Germany.
Brian Smile
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Inl�ggPostat: tis okt 25, 2005 11:34 pm    Rubrik: Svara med citat

Nice seeing you in our forum Fez!

Thanks for helping me with the Johnson/Ashbury question on 4th peg. I�m a bit surprised that there were't more people involved in that discussion. My impression was that many of the 4thpeggers are very happy to discuss different makes, styles and brands of ukuleles. But of course these discussions often concern more exclusive instruments than the comparatively inexpensive ones I might buy.

(I hope I don't disapoint you by revealing that there's really only one german registered on this site and she lives in Sweden like the rest of us Wink )
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Inl�ggPostat: ons nov 02, 2021 12:40 am    Rubrik: Svara med citat

Oops! for some reason when I logged onto this site I thought it was in German.
Must be having an elderly moment!
Glad to meet you again Robert and glad I was able to help a little.
Brian Embarassed
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